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The Most Powerful Generation
Ever Brought Up in America...
Doesn't Even Know It Exists.

That's All About to Change.

Did you grow up during the 1960s? Your time has come!
The "lost generation" of Sixties Kids
is ready to lead!

Age of the Ambassador:
the Future Starts Now

(Formerly Rise of the Ambassador: Lost Generation Rediscovered)




Are you an Ambassador?

Start by asking yourself three questions:

1) Are your parents Baby Boomers? Yes?

2) Are your children GenXers? Yes?

3) ...Then what does that make you? Hmmm...


Let's take it a bit further:

Does it seem like you see the world in a totally different way than your Baby Boomer parents do, even though you've been told you are among the "last of the Baby Boomers" yourself?


Do you have a hard time understanding the "angst" and pessimism of Generation X, when it seems to you that they've been given the whole world on a silver platter?


Did you find yourself rooting for the Occupy movement in 2011, but not actively participating due to your work and family responsibilities? Did you look at them and recognize an army crying out for leadership?


We have experiences, training, and abilities like no other generation that's ever lived. It's our turn to lead, and that starts with finally discovering who we really are.



"A very forward thinking
book for us to embrace.
This needs to be in
everyone's hands... in
order to understand
ourselves. We were
born and prepared for
such a time as now."

~ A. Kent Guthrie, Diversity Station



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In this amazing publication, you’ll discover:

The three tactical moves that we need to accomplish as quickly as possible, in order to influence the current course of world events and create a better future for the planet…

How we became a “lost generation”, and exactly how we dropped off the radar screen…

The one word that best defines and describes us as a generation, and why your Baby Boomer parents probably cringe every time they hear it…

The many ways we’ve already changed the world – while getting absolutely no credit for it…

How millions of us were wiped out before we could even get started…

How Barack Obama’s successful presidency opened the door, and why Kamala Harris’ campaign is the trumpet call we’ve been waiting for…

And a whole lot more unexpected insights and revelations that will energize and empower you, plus give you clarity, confidence, and peace of mind!


We're not Baby Boomers:

Part of our mission is to try to finish wthat the Boomers couldn't, while giving increased meaning to their intentions and sacrifices.


We're not Generation X:

Part of our mission is to to help Gen X and Gen Y find beauty and possibilities in a world they perceive to be already ruined beyond repair.


We are the bridge between these two huge groups. In fact, we are the leadership hope of the entire planet.



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PDF Ebook:
Ebook - "Age of the Ambassador: the Future Starts Now"

Ebook - "Age of the Ambassador: the Future Starts Now"


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Audio Book +
Ebook Combo:
Audio Book + Ebook Combo - "Age of the Ambassador: the Future Starts Now"

Audio Book + Ebook Combo - "Age of the Ambassador: the Future Starts Now"


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Buffalo, NY 14204